Integrative Health 101

An online course for client-centered
medical and natural healthcare providers
and students of all kinds
Led by Dr. Pam Tarlow and Dr. Swathi Varanasi


Not all drug strategies are bad.
Not all natural strategies are good.

Makes sense, right? But even so, it seems to be one of the
biggest challenges when working with the modern-day patient or client.
Whether you’re a conventional or natural medicine practitioner (or both),
there’s a lot of gray area to cover, which can feel overwhelming when trying to have all the answers.
That’s why we created this course.


Can you relate?

Not another web search….

Your clients are accessing information from the web and social media in a haphazard way. What’s safe? What can potentially cause harm? You’re now in a position to mediate the information they’re consuming in support of their health, which can feel overwhelming and confusing. How do we as healthcare professionals navigate all this information and stay balanced, grounded, and confident?

Do my clients trust me?

Many people underestimate the importance of disclosing all the medications and products they are taking. They just don’t know how vital this is for us to help them. They don’t want to be judged or appear ignorant and therefore may resort to lying or hiding information. Sometimes this doesn’t matter…but sometimes it really does. Our own familiarity and willingness to discuss a wide range of drugs and supplements helps build trust and open communication.

What are the most reliable resources?

Our course helps you save time and frustration, helping you to use good resources better. We use the most reliable sources and share them with you. What can I say (and not say)? Do you ever find yourself asking, ‘Will I get in trouble for saying this or that?’ Having the right tools and knowing how to use them facilitates helpful and appropriate communication. And again, familiarity with a broad range of drugs and supplements will help you build your own professional, confident dialogue.

Do you feel disconnected from your patient or client?

Do you stop listening once your patient starts talking about a prescription, supplement or intervention that you don’t recognize (or respect)? This can be a knee-jerk reaction to not knowing, but it does run the risk of creating disconnect.. As healthcare practitioners, we aim to stay connected and in sync with our patients and clients. So the question remains: How do we cultivate that connection in the midst of not having all the answers?

Healthcare needs an upgrade.

⚫️ How do you truly support your clients holistically, compassionately and collaboratively?

⚫️ How do you navigate the unknowns, whether you specialize in natural or conventional medicine?

⚫️ What reliable resources can you rely on as you navigate the terrain of natural and conventional medicine?

⚫️ How do you remain balanced, equanimous, and confident in the face of uncertainty and knowledge gaps?


Integrative Health 101
Online Course

This foundational self-paced online course provides a solid, broad foundation and perspective into integrative health so that you can best support your patients in a collaborative, evidence-informed way. From dietary supplements, herbs, and nutrition, to mindfulness, interactions with prescription and OTC medications, homeopathy, movement, and therapeutic aromatherapy, my colleague and I aim to equip you with strategies and tools to best support each patient’s lifestyle and treatment goals.

Where conventional and natural medicine meet.

This program is designed to support practitioners who have a knowledge gap and/or conceptual framework gap, including:

⚫️ Natural practitioners who need pharmacotherapy knowledge.

⚫️ Conventional practitioners who desire or seek natural medicine knowledge.

⚫️ Students of all kinds as well as administrators and academic mentors, within the industry space of pharmacy, and interested others.

What’s Included

  • 11-Module Online Course

    You’ll receive more than 11 hours of self-paced video training, across a range of topics including homeopathy, vitamins and minerals, nutraceuticals, therapeutic aromatherapy and more. Let’s equip with you with knowledge and ongoing resources to help you navigate the modern-day patient-centered, shared decision-making care.

  • Live Q&A Calls

    These live sessions are designed to give you space to integrate the knowledge from the online course, ask questions, and receive real-time support from your course instructors. Tap into a sense of belonging, encouragement and camaraderie, as you come together with industry peers on the path of integrative medicine.

  • Resource Guides

    What are the most reliable websites, guides and research tools to consult around integrative health? We will provide you with our top resources, so that you can stop spinning your wheels, wasting time and energy. These are the same resources and tools we’ve been using for over 25 years.




Vitamins and Minerals




Therapeutic Aromatherapy


Drug-Herb Interactions

Movement, Rest & Lifestyle

Join Today

One payment

And Receive:

- Online course (11 Modules)
- Live Q&A Calls

- Resource Guides

Payment plans available at link above.

Our Approach

What is Integrative Health?

Everyone has their own definition. We define it as the intersection of the many modalities of health, wellness, and healing including but not limited to prescription and OTC medications, dietary supplements, herbs, nutrition, meditation/mindfulness, homeopathy, movement, and therapeutic aromatherapy.

As pharmacists with an evidence-informed mindset, we are committed to personalized care and working as a team with the patient to figure out what is best for them, their lifestyle, and their treatment goals.

Meet Your Instructors

Tap into their 40 years of experience.

With over 40 years of combined experience, Dr. Pam Tarlow and Dr. Swathi Varanasi are pioneers in integrative health and preventative medicine.

Beyond their passion for integrative health, Dr. Tarlow and Dr. Varanasi also bonded over their interest in leadership and entrepreneurship and have since co-founded and run Integrative Health 101. They are passionate about providing educational resources and online courses for healthcare professionals, like you, to learn what you need to know to help serve your patients better.

This is what matters – improving the lives of our patients, loved ones, and ourselves – every single day.

Meet Pam Tarlow, PharmD.

An Integrative Health Pharmacist with a passion for positively impacting those who impact others’ health, Dr. Tarlow supports conventional and natural medicine practitioners alike. With more than 40 years of professional experience as a pharmacist and 30 years with natural medicine, Dr. Tarlow offers healthcare professionals an evidence-informed, patient-centered, and collaboration-forward approach, bridging knowledge and conceptual gaps that create roadblocks with patients.

Dr. Tarlow serves as a clinical integrative pharmacist at world-renowned Santa Monica Homeopathic Pharmacy, and has been a part of an Integrative Medical Health Group in Los Angeles. She is a lecturer and innovative experiential educator for many local and out-of-state pharmacy schools, including University of Southern California (USC), Western University, Chapman University, Medical University of South Carolina, South College of Tennessee, and University of Arizona. She is a faculty member and mentor of the Healthy Aging doctorate program at Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and lectures at Emperor's College of TCM. She also mentors medical residents at institutions including UCLA and Cedars-Sinai. She served on the Board of Directors for the Greater Los Angeles Pharmacists Association (GLAPhA).

Pam’s primary objective is to help you keep your patients safe, keep the lines of communication open, and navigate the liminal spaces of modern medicine and health with equanimity, curiosity and an open mind. She offers the training, tools, resources, and mentorship that help you jump through the hoops of conventional and natural medicine, and support your patients with confidence, ease, and clarity.

Meet Dr. Swathi Varanasi

Dr. Swathi Varanasi is an award-winning pharmacist passionate about the intersection of personalized medicine and innovation.

With experience spanning patient care, biotech, CRO, academia, and CPG, Dr. Swathi has paved the way for healthcare professionals to pursue non-traditional career paths through creating postdoctoral training programs, industry internships, and online educational programs. She co-founded and serves as Chief Scientific Officer of the Life Sciences Division at botanical biotech, Element Apothec, and serves as a Principal Investigator at contract research organization, Citruslabs.

Dr. Swathi received her Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) at the Medical University of South Carolina and Bachelor of Arts (BA) at Carleton College. She co-founded and was the first-ever resident in the United States to do postdoctoral residency training in integrative medicine and preventative health. She also completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Medical Affairs in biotech and has additional training in nutrition from Cornell University.

Dr. Swathi is faculty and has guest lectured at colleges and universities across the country. She serves an advisor for a number of for-profit and non-profit organizations aiming to make the world a healthier place for us to live–and thrive. She has been published in peer-reviewed academic journals and featured in Yahoo, mindbodygreen, Well+Good, Entrepreneur, and Forbes Health. In 2023, Dr. Swathi was voted one of the 50 Most Influential Leaders in Pharmacy.

Our clients report:

⚫️ Learn new ways to solve problems (and have resources at hand).

⚫️ Thinking “outside the box” can make a practitioner one of a kind.

⚫️ Gain in-depth exposure to different areas not usually taught in pharmacy school as part of the standard curriculum.

⚫️ Become more open-minded about other types of medicines and therapies and how they can be combined with my pharmacy knowledge of Western medicine to enhance patient outcomes.

⚫️ Confidently meet the rising interest in natural medicine among patients taking prescription drugs.

Client Success

“After the rotation I felt more comfortable simply being able to recognize what patients are using to support their health, and what to look out for if a patient has certain diseases or is using other medications in addition to these supplements.”

“Prior to taking Dr. Tarlow’s rotation, I was very fresh out of pharmacy school didactics. My knowledge base was limited to what we learned in the classroom, and my pharmacy hands-on experience was just beginning. During Dr. Tarlow’s rotation, I was exposed to a variety of herbal supplements that many patients already use or are interested in using to improve their health. In the classroom, our exposure to these supplements was limited, so I found it immensely beneficial to become more familiar with these products. I appreciated that the rotation focused on attaining knowledge of the safety of these products, and evaluated them alongside conventional medications.”

“This rotation was important to me to widen my knowledge, especially considering that the majority of local pharmacies our patients frequent have many of these products in stock.”

“As pharmacists, a big part of our role is to improve medication safety. After the rotation I felt more comfortable simply being able to recognize what patients are using to support their health, and what to look out for if a patient has certain diseases or is using other medications in addition to these supplements. I appreciated the empowerment it gave me to connect with patients and be able to educate them on their treatments in a comprehensive and holistic manner.

I found the rotation to be very balanced and I admire the wealth of knowledge and expertise that Dr. Tarlow has. I took this rotation toward the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. My favorite part was looking at evolving research in COVID treatment and what we could do at the time to boost our immunity. Another fun part of the rotation that I enjoyed was a weekly focus we did on nutrition, where we studied the nutritional and medicinal value of select fruits and vegetables from our local farmers’ markets. We all know that these foods are healthy for us, but it was very cool to learn how and look at studies done on their particular benefits.

Prior to this rotation, I had a couple of mini rotations in the community and hospital pharmacy settings. A couple of the pharmacists I shadowed admitted that their knowledge was very limited on herbal supplements. This rotation was important to me to widen my knowledge, especially considering that the majority of local pharmacies our patients frequent have many of these products in stock. I also have members in my own family who traditionally use different herbal products and I wanted to gain the knowledge to connect with them and answer their questions. Since taking Dr. Tarlow’s rotation, I use the counseling points I learned constantly. I work as a Medication Therapy Management (MTM) pharmacist and I conduct comprehensive medication reviews with patients. Oftentimes patients are supplementing their prescription medications with herbal products that are over-the-counter. I counsel on drug-herb interactions when I see them, and answer patients’ questions.

I have certainly become more confident in this area and I attribute that to the experience I gained with Dr. Tarlow. For those considering this opportunity, I strongly recommend it to augment their pharmaceutical knowledge and become a more well-rounded pharmacist.”

Ayah Bany-Mohammed, PharmD
MTM Pharmacist at MedWatchers

  • “The way that she approaches her patient cases taught me a new way of solving problems and made me realize that thinking outside of the box is not cliche, but it’s a skill that makes a practitioner one of a kind.”

    Rojan Ghorbannejad, PharmD
    Virtual Rotation Student July 2021
    Graduated from West Coast U ‘2022

  • “The most impactful lesson I took away from this experience was to be open-minded about other types of medicines and therapies and how they can be combined with my pharmacy knowledge of western medicine to enhance patient outcomes.”

    Frank Nguyen, PharmD
    Western ‘20

  • “This integrative health rotation was important to me because I wanted to have more tools in my toolbox to help people holistically. While conventional medicine does have its place, especially in acute care cases, natural and holistic medicine can be beneficial in the treatment of chronic diseases, which many people have.”

    Trang Tran, Pharm D

“We feel so lucky to be able to offer such a unique and interesting rotation for our APPE students. Dr. Tarlow is a pleasure to work with, offering a highly structured, virtual rotation that challenges our students. Our students often comment about the value of the rotation, Dr. Tarlow’s skills as a preceptor, and how they learned important information about natural products that they didn’t see in school.

As one of our students said, “Once again, I would just like to thank Dr. Tarlow SO MUCH for such a wonderful rotation. You truly made a difference in my life and how I will practice as a pharmacist.””

-Janet H. Cooley, PharmD, BCACP
Director of Experiential Education
Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Science
The University of Arizona College of Pharmacy


  • Everyone has their own definition. We define it as the intersection of the many modalities of health, wellness, and healing including but not limited to dietary supplements, herbs, nutrition, meditation/mindfulness, prescription medications, homeopathy, movement, and therapeutic aromatherapy. As pharmacists with an evidence-based mindset, we are passionate about personalized care and working as a team with the patients to figure out what is best for them, their lifestyle, and their treatment goals.

  • Integrative Health 101 is an educational platform for healthcare professionals and conscious consumers. As Integrative Health Pharmacists, our first course offering came from the need we saw time and time again — patients are asking about natural medicines, but who and where can they turn to for evidence-informed, reliable information? That’s where we come in.

    With options limited to costly multi-year degree programs or self-teaching, we wanted to create courses where you can learn what you need to know without breaking the bank.

    If you’re looking for a self-paced program that also incorporates a live virtual component, this is a good fit for you. If you identify as a self-starter, and feel motivated and willing to take in the content of this course on your own time, this is a good fit.

    If you learn more effectively in an environment with high social accountability and mentor support, thenDr. Tarlow’s private mentorship sessions may be more aligned with your needs. Please complete the form on the Contact page of this website if you’re interested in learning more about 1:.1 mentorship and getting started.

  • It is a self-paced course of 11 one-hour modules and LIVE Q&A sessions.

    Some students complete the course in a week. Others study for a few months. The course is modular so you can customize it to your schedule. There is no time limit. You have lifetime access to this information as a reference as you journey through your career.

  • You will be eligible for the certificate only if you complete all webinar recordings.

  • We love students and residents! Please email for the discount code.

  • If you are not fully satisfied with your Integrative Health 101 experience, we provide a 30-day money-back satisfaction guarantee. We are always open to feedback and look forward to continuing to improve this course.